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Directory permissions - write. What and How to change?

Started by LandyVlad, Aug 11, 2024, 04:24 AM

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I am getting errors trying to upload and install packages  (modifications)

QuoteYou cannot download or install new packages because the Packages directory, or one of the files in it, is not writeable!

QuoteAn error has occurred
Unable to upload package. Please check directory permissions!

Now this only appears to have occurred since I changed the hosting company so I presume (but may be wrong) that there were permission changes which occurred due to that?

What I need to know please - for the packages directory specifically but also for the forum generally is:
Which directories need write permission and is there an ideal permissions code (ie the 3 digit number) to use for those directories?

Please do not PM me with questions on astrophysics or theology.  You will get better and faster responses by asking homeless people in the street. Thank you.


Illori (IIRC) advised me to create a temp directory inside packages and it allowed me to resolve all the issues.
I'm not sure why or how, but there it is.  :vcool
Please do not PM me with questions on astrophysics or theology.  You will get better and faster responses by asking homeless people in the street. Thank you.


I remember having to that awhile back. It think it may have to do with how the server is setup? Not all servers need it, though...


Some times you need to make files and folders writtable. Like change file and folder permissions in order for things to work right.
"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


Please do not PM me with questions on astrophysics or theology.  You will get better and faster responses by asking homeless people in the street. Thank you.


"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


Yes, some server are setup to use 777 instead.

You might also want to check ownership of the dirs and files. If you have ssh access you can do the following:

cd /home/username

chown -R username:username public_html

find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 # For directories

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 # For files

username = the name of the account

Don't add the "#' and the text after it. It's just to let you know what the command is for. ;)

If you do not have SSH access then you can either do it using a FTP program or your cPanel account. But the code above is much faster.